Relay for Life

The Journey
Young Danny
Memorial Service
Graveside Service
Stockdale Memorial
Relay for Life


Relay for Life 2002

A number of students from Stockdale High School joined our family and participated in the 2002 Relay for Life held at Cal State Bakersfield.  Each of us wore a commemorative t-shirt with Danny's picture on the front and back - courtesy of our good neighbor, Valerie Duncan.  A group like that tends to draw attention, so Danny was featured on an extended Channel 23 news story about this annual 24-hour event.  Barbara and Jon were interviewed for the story by the Channel 23 news anchor, Jim Scott.  Jim had met and talked with Danny at the 1998 Relay and he was overwhelmed to see a picture of the two of them at that event. Most of the Stockdale students who joined us stuck it out and stayed overnight, and some for the entire 24 hours.

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