Hillcrest Memorial ParkDanny is buried at Hillcrest Memorial Park on Kern Canyon Road northeast of Bakersfield. His gravesite is near the crest of a hill just below three wooden crosses where Easter Sunrise services are often held. Danny's black marble headstone says, appropriately, "Laughed Often, Loved Much," a phrase selected by Stephen, and "God Must Want Me," which was Danny's own remark not long before he died. We asked Yuri Sakamaki, Danny's tutor, to help us select a Japanese character that would represent Danny. Yuri consulted with a friend of hers who is a Buddhist monk in Japan (see photo) and he recommended "Yume," which means Dreams. He explained that in Japanese the word refers "not only to dreams fulfilled in this life, but also to the fulfillment of dreams in the next life." The character itself was written by Yuri and it has great significance to our family. Danny's birthday fell on Memorial Day in 2002, and we did a balloon release at the cemetery. Total Pictures: 18